Woodlands is a residential service for autism, with dual diagnosis learning disability or mental health condition. This is a nine bed service which comprises of four two bedroom houses and one sole occupancy house. The houses are situated together within the grounds of Innova House Healthcare Limited.
Individuals that access the service often require complex management plans which incorporate the specialist skills, knowledge and experience of our Care Managers, as well as the external professionals linked to the individual. This is further enhanced by our highly skilled and trained staff team who provide support day and night as required.
Person centred planning is autism specific where required which includes sensory assessments, communication systems and individual day planners. The risk management plans are proactive and least restrictive and allow for individuals to progress within a safe environment in the community, with the view of moving into less supported living in the future.
It is our overall aim to provide a realistic and homely environment for the individuals we support, which allows them to feel valued as members of the local community and in turn support them to embrace this responsibility.